Resurrection Remix 5.8.0
Samsung Galaxy S4 i9505 (jfltexx)
Release 9 - 9th January 2017
* Your warranty is now void.
* And other random stuff no-one reads.
This is a straight port of Resurrection Remix to Galaxy S4 i9505.
It is based on Nougat 7.1.1_r9 and nightlies of LineageOS 14.1 and Resurrection Remix from 9th January.
-enable / disable navbar
-navbar button customisation smartbar
-navbar pulse
-navbar fling
-double tap to sleep navbar
-brightness slider
-enable / disable show notification count
-superuser indicator switch
-double tap to sleep statusbar
-carrier label
-carrier label switch
-carrier label color
-carrier label size
-clock customisations
-time & date
-day & date toggle
-center / right / left clock choice
-date format
-clock font styles
-battery bar customisation
-battery icon customisation (circle / landscape / portrait and more)
-battery % text
-network traffic indicator
-network traffic arrows switch
-incoming / outgoing traffic
-network traffic color
-statusbar RR logo
-RR logo color
-custom logos
-logo color
-statusbar weather
-weather color
-weather position (left / right)
-weather font style
-weather size
-statusbar ticker
-ticker text color
-ticker icon color
-toast animations
-listview animations
-system animations
-power menu animations
-misc animations
-gestures anywhere feature
-3 finger swipe screenshot gesture
-app circle bar
-choose apps in appsidebar
-trigger width
-trigger height
-trigger position
-app sidebar
-choose apps in app circle
-trigger width
-trigger height
-trigger position
-pie trigger(left, right, bottom)
-pie targets
-pie colors
-more pie features
-recents panel
-clear all button switch
-clear all tasks switch
-clear all button location (top right, top left, top center, bottom left, bottom right, bottom center)
-full screen recents
-recents styles
-cclock widget
-clock and alarm customisations
-weather panel customisations
-calender events
-lockscreen bottom shortcuts
-lockscreen general shortcuts
-100+ icons for shortcuts
-double tap to sleep lockscreen
-lockscreen media art / enable disable
-quick pin / pattern unlock
-lockscreen wallpaper
-lockscreen weather widget
-lockscreen icons color
-quick settings draggable tiles
-customisable tiles
-dynamic tiles adjustment
-number of columns / rows
-tile animations
-notification drawer
-longpress toggles to enter settings
-disable immersive mode messages
-force expand notification
-quick pulldown
-smart pulldown
-notification panel transparency
-volume dialog transparency
-notification panel stroke
-volume dialog stroke
-backlight timer
-backlight strength
-advanced reboot menu
-power menu customisations
-power off
-reboot (recovery, bootloader, hot reboot)
-power menu end calls switch
-restart systemUI
-airplane mode
-on the go mode
-sound panel
-home button (for devices with hardware keys only)
-home button answer call
-long press actions
-double tap actions
-menu button (for devices with hardware keys only)
-short press actions
-long press actions
-search button (if device supports)
-short press action
-long press action
-volume buttons
-wake up device
-playback control
-ringtone volume control
-keyboard cursor control
-swap buttons on landscape mode
-volume key answer
-SElinux switch (switch between permissive and enforcing)
-clock shortcut
-disable battery saver warning color
-OTA u
-camera shutter sound enable / disable
-systemUI tuner
-enabled by default
-removed demo mode and tweaked systemUI tuner as compared to AOSP
-statusbar icons customisations
-quick settings customisations
-other features
-performance profiles
-LCD density
-expanded desktop mode
-heads up switch and customisations
-live display
-configurable 0,90,180,270 degree rotation
-lock screen auto-rotate switch
-native tap to wake from marshmallow
-double tap power button to enable camera gesture
-prevent accidental wakeup
-wake phone on charging plug
-battery light customisations
-notification light customisations
-font size
-cm privacy guard
-performance tweaks
-cm root inbuilt
-RR ota
-whole new RR configurations
-overall smoothness improvements
-optimisations to improve battery
-includes all android nougat features
-includes all cm14.1 features
-and much much more
On your rooted device with a custom recovery (JDCTeam TWRP 3.0.+ recommended) :
1st install - "clean install"
- Make a full nandroid backup <always backup!>
- Full wipe device
- Install Rom
- Install 7.1 Gapps (recommended Open Gapps Nano)
- Wipe Cache and Art / Dalvik
- Reboot
- Wait for 1st boot
- Enjoy
2nd and subsequent installs - "dirty flash"
- Make a full nandroid backup <always backup!>
- Install Rom
- Install 7.1 Gapps (recommended Open Gapps Nano)
- Wipe Cache and Art / Dalvik
- Reboot
- Wait for App optimization
- Enjoy
Nandroid backups are your friend!
Download ROM from Resurrection Remix download site (primary).
Download ROM from Sourceforge automated mirror (can take 4 hours or more for build propagation).
Source code: RR code here
Build instructions (use old method) here
What does / doesn't work
All hardware support issues will be the same as CM14.1.
- GPS, orientation and acceleration work. GPS Status gets a good fix indoors.
- Camera - picture and video from both front and rear cameras.
- MHL video output.
- You tell me.
- No theme engine implemented yet (NO CMTE, NO OMS, NO SUBSTRATUM).
- You tell me.
Thanks / Credits
* RR team, CM team, Omni team, Slim team.
* XDA developers.
* Everyone who has contributed to CM on S4.
* TJsteveMX and Srisurya95 for their previous work.
* Many thanks to Side and all of OptCM13/14 and JDCTeam.
* Did I already thank Side? Yes Side. He really MUST be thanked more than once.
Resurrection Remix, ROM for the Samsung Galaxy S4 i9505 (jfltexx), ROM for the Samsung Galaxy S4